2020 Fittest of the Upstate
Workout 1
For Time: (18:00 Cap)
- 1000 M / 800 M Ski
- 50 GHD
- 25 Dbl DB Squats
- 25 Burpee Box Get Overs (48”/40”)
- 25 Dbl DB Squats
- 50 GHD
- 1000 M / 800 M Ski
All other divisions
For Time (16:00 Cap)
- 2000 M / 1600 M Ski
- 100 GHD
- 50 Dbl DB Squats
- 25 Burpee Box Get Overs
**Reps partitioned as desired
- Elite, Masters, Intermediate Divisions 50/35 Dumbbells
- Masters 45+ & 55+ 35/20 Dumbbells
2020 Fittest of the Upstate
Workout 2
For Time: (4:00 Cap)
- 400 M Run
- 21 Snatch
Elite Division 155/105
Masters & Intermediate Division 135/85
Masters 45+ Division 115/75 & Masters 55+ Division 95/65
2020 Fittest of the Upstate
Workout 3
For Time: (14:00 Cap)
- 3 Rounds
- 18 HSPU
- 12 C2B Pull Ups
- -3 Min rest-
- 3 Rounds
- 9 Strict Push Ups
- 6 Bar Muscle Ups
Masters & Intermediate Males - Same as elite
Masters & Intermediate Females - HSPU + Pull Ups / HSPU + C2B Pull Ups
Masters 45+ & 55+ - Elevated HSPU + Pull Ups / HSPU + Pull Ups
2020 Fittest of the Upstate
Championship Workout - Top 6 from each division
- “Macho Man”
- EMOM Until Failure (12 Min Time Cap)
- 3 Power Cleans
- 3 Front Squats
- 3 Push Jerks
- Weight Increase by 20# for Males & 10# for Females Every 5 Minutes
Elite - 205/145
Masters & Intermediate - 185/125
Masters 45+ - 165/115
Masters 55+ - 155 / 105
*No Weight Increase for Masters 55+ Division